Welcome To Mesta Meadows
Mesta Meadows is located on the eastern edge of the beautiful Ozark Highlands. We are located about 2 hours southwest of St. Louis, and 2 1/2 hours northwest of Memphis. Our mission is to provide our livestock with an amazing life grazing on the lush hillside pastures, and our guests with an incredible farm experience and local, wholesome, and fun food!
We raise our sheep, goats, cattle, pigs, and poultry on free range pastures and supplement this with grain and minerals to ensure optimal health. We provide antibiotic and hormone free, eggs, meat, and raw dairy products. We are one of the few Sheep diaries in Missouri! We have a little bit of something for everyone here at Mesta Meadows and hope you will come to shop at our on-farm store - The Mason Jar Store, visit the animals, and join us for our annual Ozark Highland Sheep and Fiber Festival.
EMAIL: ed at mestameadows dot com
PHONE: (859) 536-0767
High-Quality Wool
About our Flocks
Great wool starts with great sheep. Rambouillet (also called French Merino) are excellent dual purpose (fiber and meat) sheep. Their wool is soft, with excellent crimp to create warmth and bounce, and luxuriant 3" to 4" staple length. They are great mothers and our flock averages 1.5 lambs per ewe per year. Our Cormo sheep are an Australian breed which were developed by crossing Corriedale and Merino sheep. Their wool is long (up to 5" or more) with excellent softness and crimp.